Contributors to OSV Academy

As the outdoor sports industry changes so do the curricula for each of OSV Academy’s education programs. Day-in and day-out key contributors and members of the industry provide their time to teach classes, lead workshops, or oversee in-company projects.

University contributors

Your key contacts

Industry Volunteers

Your key contacts
  • Florian TRAULLE

    Marketing & Communications lecturer

  • Pierre JARNIAT

    Softgood Design & Development lecturer

  • Antoine BARTHELEMY

    Softgood Design & Development lecturer

OSV Board Members

Your key contacts

    OSV Board member

  • Timothée SORREL

    OSV Board member - HR Technica Group

  • Xavier LEGUEN

    OSV Board member - HR Salomon

  • Nicolas GEYDET

    OSV Board member - HR Plein Nord Distribution

Members of the OSV Executive Team

Your key contacts